Positive College Culture on Students Academic Achievements


The findings of this study are preliminary and should be considered as exploratory as no much study is done to establish the role of the moderating variable. The study primarily aimed at understanding the existing cultural gaps in the institutions. It can be taken as a strategic tool to assess the expected college culture and the existing culture. The factors like departmental meeting were identified as very vital to enhance positive culture among teachers. The existing culture gaps are identified in inter-generational communications and interpersonal trust. This study would contribute to the existing literature in several ways. The present study will also provide a more comprehensive explanation on the effect of positive college culture on academic achievements, and also establishes the students need for achievement as a possible moderator for establishing relationship between positive college culture and students academic achievements. Whether this study provides an insight into the importance of culture audit or not several limitations are to be be noted. Important variables such as the students family background, their involvement in students union activities, previous academic achievements etc., are ignored in this model. These avenues can be considered by the future researchers.


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