The correlation coefficient among variables was done to explain the relationship between all variables in the study. There is significant relationship between the classroom discipline and its impact on the overall college culture. There is significant relationship between the departmental meetings and its impact on the interpersonal communications. There is significant relationship between interpersonal trust and interpersonal communications. There is significant relationship between the physical culture (infrastructure and amenities) and students academic achievements.
The descriptive statistics and inter correlation of variables based on the five point scale contributes to the following findings. The dimensions enhancing the current college culture are identified as interpersonal trust, interpersonal communication, classroom discipline, departmental meetings, altruism of teachers etc.,.
The present study found that altruism of teachers is significantly related to students needs for achievements There is a positive approach towards conducting culture audit in colleges among teacher respondents. The heads of institution plays a significant role in reinforcing the positive culture stimulus especially among teachers through frequent meetings. This is influenced by the independent decision making powers of the heads of institutions. The classroom culture has a significant role in students academic achievements and shaping the overall college culture.
A majority of teacher respondents are positive in understanding the vision of the institution and are able to see themselves as a part of the institution. The teachers are aware that the cultural norms are important for impression management. A majority of the respondents view that they are a part of a positive culture. The level of interpersonal trust and communications are rated as excellent among student respondents. An excellent majority of students feel that there is a impact of the positive role of teachers in their academic achievements especially in the present evaluation and grading system.
The students have a high need for achievements. The teachers level of altruism, courtesy, civic virtue and teaching style helps them to see the institutions as a means to reach their own goals and understand the mutuality of interests. The teachers are ready to compromise with the physical inconveniences in actively involving themselves in students development. The culture of the institutions are primarily influenced by the major stakeholders that is the students and teachers. The majority of the students feel that academic achievements are very important in the present competitive environment. The teacher respondents feel that the benchmark for culture audit must be mapped from the top Management. The junior teachers viewed that there is a inter-generational gap especially with the new pedagogy in teaching and learning environment, which leads to inter generational communication gaps.
The evidence suggest that the relationship between cultural dimensions and students academic achievements may be moderated by the students need for achievements. The interpersonal trust between colleagues were rated as medium by majority of the teacher respondents. Those students with a high achievement needs will be benefited from the positive college culture. However these behavior does not affect those students with lower needs for achievements.
The future culture of the institutions should be based on the mutuality of interest among the diverse groups to try to assemble them and develop cooperation because, only then there is a common base to build a positive culture. Human dignity is also a positive culture enhancing dimension, which is reflected as ethical philosophy of humankind and confirmed by the experience of all people of all ages.
The ethical behaviour drives positive culture in all organisations. The first dimensions of ethical behaviour are cultural influences of individuals – family, education, religion, media and entertainment. The second diemension can be termed as the organisational influence- ethical code, organisation culture, presence of positive role models and perceived pressure for results. The third dimensions relates to the individuals personality, values, morals, principles and the gender.
The domains of the expected cultural change are identified in teaching and learning style, conflict resolution, celebrations of events and traditions, replacement of groups with teams, bench marking the culture audit as an assessment tool for global competence, generations getting closer to technology oriented teaching, recognition of teachers informal role in students enhancement